AuthorTopic: Request Input: Front Crossmember, ditching the spring for bags... Possibly  (Read 8613 times)

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I am looking for some input from you guys on this design I have in my head.

My Cummins is heavy as heck, and I know I am going to wrestle with the spring rate like crazy.... So I dreamed up this idea with the help of a few ideas of the similar sort I found online.

I found a site that has a very nice set up, but it is too expensive for my taste... even though it is very nice!

I then came across a similar idea on Ebay that did have some blurry pics and wasn't installed, it looked pretty rough but seems to work.

So, on to my scratched out idea/knocked off idea....

I think I am favoring the bags that are not mounted in the pocket, flat on top.

The bars that the bottom of the bag will be attached to will be thick bar stock or a chunk of "I" so that it won't be too stressed out... It may also be made of a spring chunk or a portion of stacked springs.

The entire crossmember will be the support for the front of the Cummins, it has 2 mounting bolts up forward that will be used to mount the engine to the frame, in addition to the side mounts.

What do you guys think?

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Offline lowboy

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just a quick question would the bags mounted at an angle on bottom and flat on the top cause problems? rubbing together?weak spots?
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 01:33:22 PM by lowboy »
life is a ride where you slide into heaven sideways on 4 flats blown motor saying Thank you God what a ride!!!!!

Offline Large_time

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just a quick question would the bags mounted at an angle on bottom and flat on the top cause problems? rubbing together?weak spots?

Good question! I have seen some installs where they are crooked. They seem to function when crooked but i can see this being an issue eventually.... I have a half crazy idea of some rail system that "floats" on the bag but i have a feeling it will be wobbly.

Also, I have an email out to the Tech folks over at Air Ride to ask that specific question.

Outside of my "Rail" idea, I cannot think of a way to have the bag remain flat through out the inflate and deflate cycle..... :(

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If it were me, i wouldn't bag the truck with the cummins in it. The cummins is a very heavy motor and trans as you know. If you are positive you want to bag, then do a mustang 2 front end and bag that instead of using shocks. I stilll think i would use a regular suspension set up, just build the frame so your truck sits low if you desire that look.
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i like to help you out but i have ahard time with computer donot know to use it my phone no  702 8343364 sorry im  slow on computer zeezee vegas

Offline BobA

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Cant you just use bags with a heavier weight rating? Why not put  bag mounts directly to the axle and upper mounts on frame. And a radius rod to keep from having side to side movement.

Offline Large_time

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I sooooo want to do this with those heavy duty bags.... I know it wont be easy but I really want the option to raise and lower the front end.

Maybe I should start a thread on how to "Guess" a spring rate based on this beast of a pile of steel on the front of this monster....
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Offline Rust T Nuts

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Request Input: Front Crossmember, ditching the spring for bags... Possibly
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2014, 06:16:07 PM »
Maybe look into a suspension from a 1 ton truck circa 1940s.  Maybe bag that.  I agree with you on the fact that this drive train is heavier than average.  Error on the side of caution.

Hi! I found this on eBay and thought you might like it! Check it out now!  19371940 Ford Stock Front Suspension Wishbone axle spring sway bar 1938 1939

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