
Album - Owner: gemnewt - 39 items
1951 Chevrolet Styleline Deluxe Station Wagon
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This is close to what my wife looked like right after I bought another wagon. But don't worry after a short stay in this institution and she'll be just fine.
 Views: 596
Mar 11, 2008
This is close to what my wife said I'll look like if I buy one more wagon......Homeless
 Views: 637
May 16, 2014
This is close to what I think the wagon will look like when I'm done.
 Views: 618
 Rating: 0.89
May 16, 2014
This is close to what my wife thinks the wagon will look like when I'm done.
 Views: 666
May 16, 2014
Woodrow's donor in Colorado 6 Getting ready for his trip to California.
 Views: 609
May 14, 2014
Woodrow's donor in Colorado 5 Getting ready for his trip to California.
 Views: 557
 Rating: 4.96
May 14, 2014
Woodrow's donor in Colorado 4 Getting ready for his trip to California.
 Views: 460
May 14, 2014
Woodrow's donor in Colorado 3 Getting ready for his trip to California.
 Views: 465
May 14, 2014
Woodrow's donor in Colorado 2 Getting ready for his trip to California.
 Views: 460
May 14, 2014
Woodrow's donor in Colorado 1 Getting ready for his trip to California.
 Views: 463
May 14, 2014
About 75 % percent of Woodrow is rusted out. The front clip is the only good area, thank god.
 Views: 465
May 14, 2014
W #18 1 Tail Gate Up
 Views: 533
May 14, 2014
W #12 Driver Side Rocker Panel Extended #2
 Views: 487
May 14, 2014
I can use the inner wheel well from the donor wagon.
 Views: 493
May 14, 2014
W #1 2
 Views: 479
May 14, 2014
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